

give your children a co-parenting experience they won’t need to recover from.

Michelle Dempsey-Multack, MS, CDS is a Certified Divorce and Co-Parenting Specialist, bestselling author, educator for divorce coaches, and top 1% podcaster known for her ability to inspire and empower moms through their divorce and co-parenting journeys.

Michelle’s passion for “putting the child first” in the divorce process while helping everyone she reaches feel supported and empowered, makes her a sought after coach by clients as well as divorce industry professionals from around the globe.

Michelle’s unique perspective on divorce and co-parenting has helped thousands of women find the permission to move on confidently after divorce as they move towards a more intentional and holistic co-parenting experience – one that their kids can be proud of one day.

Michelle solidified her place as a thought leader in the divorce space with the recent publication of her bestselling book, Moms Moving On: Real Life Advice on Conquering Divorce, Co-Parenting Through Conflict, and Becoming Your Best Self from Simon and Schuster.