Become a Divorce Coach

Calling all potential divorce coaches.


So, you’re a divorce coach now, congrats! But the term “divorce coach” is a broad one, because there is just so much you can cover in the world of divorce. Maybe you find yourself gravitating toward clients with high-conflict co-parents, or perhaps, you have a knack for helping women pull themselves out of bed when they feel overwhelmed with single mom responsibilities. No matter your ideal client, the one thread that will unite them all is that they’re moms, and moms need a different level of support when it comes to divorce coaching.

With the Moving On Method, you’ll not only learn how to best support a client through their divorce, you’ll also learn how to help support them as they transition into
their new role as co-parents, and managing a coaching business.

Next training starts in January! Apply now!

Frequently Asked Questions
Do I already have to be coach to take this training?

No, this training will give you the foundation to start coaching clients and manage your coaching business.

Is the information taught in this course applicable and available outside of the US?


What certification will this program give me?

This training will teaching you the Moving On Method of coaching, developed by Michelle Dempsey-Multack, which will make you a divorce coach trained in the moving on method.

How much does Moving On Method cost?

Cost is $999 USD. 

How do I become a Moving On Method student?

Anyone can apply to be a student of Moving On School. Michelle personally reads each application to ensure that the applicant is the right fit for the program. Michelle is not here to waste your time, and will not accept you into the program if she doesn’t feel you will benefit from the educational experience.