Let Michelle help you make the best, most informed decisions for your co-parenting process so that you and your family can move forward in a healthy way!

Individual Co-Parenting Coaching

Adjusting to a co-parenting lifestyle may seem difficult, but with the right support, it becomes much, much easier. Work with Michelle one-on-one to create a plan that helps both you and your children adjust to co-parenting.


  • Make the best and most child-focused decisions for your parenting plan
  • Offer strategies to support children at all ages as they adjust to co-parenting
  • Learn new ways to communicate as co-parents
  • Diffuse conflict between co-parents
  • Talk to their children about divorce and co-parenting
  • Set reasonable and appropriate boundaries for a healthy co-parenting relationship
  • Work toward creating a consistency between homes; new routines and rules
  • Manage co-parenting transitions effectively and safely
  • Co-parent with a high-conflict ex spouse

3 or 6 Month Coaching Packages Available.

High-Conflict Co-Parenting Coaching

Work with Michelle one-on-one to help you co-parent with your high-conflict ex-spouse. A high-conflict co-parent does not only cause disruption for the co-parenting process, but can also have an effect on the children. Together with Michelle, you will:


  • Learn the best communication strategies for co-parenting with a narcissist and/or high-conflict ex-spouse
  • Learn ways to protect yourself emotionally
  • Learn to set strong boundaries with your narcissistic and/or high-conflict ex-spouse
  • Learn to protect your children from the potential effects of their high-conflict parent
  • Understand your co-parenting triggers and how to overcome them
Individual Parenting Plan Support

Work with Michelle one-on-one to better understand your parenting plan and make the best child-centered decisions for your co-parenting journey.

Package includes:
2 strategy calls, 1 parenting plan review call

Inquire Now

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