Creating a Parenting Plan: What to Consider and What NOT to Forget: with Michelle’s Husband, Family Court Judge Spencer Multack

by | Jul 21, 2020 | Podcast

Overnight schedules. Decision making for the children. Birthdays. Holidays. Doctor’s appointments. There are SO many factors to consider carefully when creating a parenting plan. – only many of us don’t know what to consider when putting together a parenting plan. That’s why I consulted the expert of all experts, my husband, family court Judge Spencer Multack.

Spencer is not only incredibly knowledgeable on all things “co-parenting,” – he is FAIR and truly understands both sides and their needs when helping divorcing couples figure out the best way to create a parenting plan after their divorce. 

I’m lucky to be married to him, and everyone who appears in front of him in court is lucky, too. He not only has the expertise in his profession as a former lawyer-turned-judge, he’s lived the divorce process himself, and has been co-parenting for almost 5 years now. 

The Hon. Spencer J. Multack, a graduate of Syracuse University and University of Miami Law School, once known for trying cases against public officials charged with corruption, was first appointed to the bench in 2011. Since then, he’s presided over domestic violence issues, criminal cases, and now in the family court, all things divorce, co-parenting, and making the best decisions for the children involved.